Dungeon Mastering (DMing) For many is fun, exciting, and a great way to express creativity. But it isn’t all fun and games (pun intended) there is lots of planning, and world-building. As well as learning to adapt to players who can take your story and go east when they were “suppose” to go west…
That is when Dungeon Mastering can quickly feel overwhelming and if you are not prepared even stressful. As DMs, we often feel it is our sole responsibility to create an amazing adventure for the other players at our table, and we can quickly forget that it isn’t on us alone to make a grand adventure great.
To say it plainly, it is everyone’s responsibility at the table, to tell a good story. The DMs job is to initially lay down the scene, and then build off the player’s choices and react to their actions.
Where the player gets their thrills from seeing the world unfold before them, DMs get ours from seeing how the players respond to the new challenges and creative stories we set in front of them. And while this is an opportunity to have and build amazing experiences, it is something many players feel overwhelmed at the thought of trying.
So what’s the solution? Simple. Start trying, and learn from your DMing choices. The more you put yourself out there the easier it gets. Plus there are tons of great books out in the world that can help both new and old DMs alike in building this confidence. Here are 4 interesting books that might be helpful for Dungeon Masters looking for new ideas, great resources, or just something to help develop new ways of running games:
Whether you are looking for resources or guidance. Just remember when learning how to be the best Dungeon Master to always have fun. There are a million ways to achieve greatness. Just focus on finding the way you want to do it!