What is a West Marches Styled Campaign? This is something that I have been seeing and hearing more and more about. Dungeon and Dragons games can often be hard for people with busy lives to commit to on a regular set date every week. So in a normal campaign when a player isn’t there one of a couple things can happen.
The first possibility to consider is that the game may not happen at all. This is usually because that one or more of the players unable to attend are key to certain story arcs that are happening in the story. This can really suck because it can ruin everyone else’s plans for the day. You also run the chances of the game falling a part if missing players becomes a normal occurrence. Second problem when missing the game, is that the others move forward with the storyline. Leaving you to play catch up for the next session or two. Another downside to this is many players might feel slightly disconnected the next game. So what does a West Marches style game offer players that’s different from a normal campaign mode?
What are the Benefits?
The answer is this. West Marches provide games where large number of players and DMs can run different games each session. And each session can be completed without the same players having to come back every week. Each adventure is usually accomplished in one sitting, and this means players never feel like they are missing out. In some ways it is similar to the Adventurers League (AL). But it differs by allowing players to not be stuck with only using official modules and allows them to also adventure with players of any level.
With West Marches games players network with one another to see who is interested in exploring what. And once they decide what do they then find a DM who is willing to run them through a session.
To learn more about all the details of a West Marches styled game, check out this Link —- > Click Here
This style of play allows players to constantly explorer at their own convenience and can encourage them to play and interact with a variety of different people. The more information being shared between players the the better it is for everyone. (If you play any type of Campaign, be it West Marches or a regular adventure. Check out this product for keeping track of information!)
West Marches games are not perfect though, because generally speaking there isn’t always some major evil that the party has to stop, it’s more about what you as a player wish to explore and then finding other adventurers to explore it with. So if you are someone who is more interested in having a steady group who always plays together and continually grow the same storyline together as you chase down leads to some great evil this may not be the best style of play to give you that exact experience.
Overall as I have researched and explored this concept I personally find it to be a more exciting version of Adventurers League. That is not saying I don’t appreciate or enjoy AL, because I like it as well. But for me there is just something about finding my hero exploring and making his way on the fringes of civilization that seems so appealing, and I would love to find more games that use this style of play.
What do you guys think of West Marches? Have you played in any great or terrible one?