What Is A Dungeon Master?
A Dungeon Master (DM) or a Game Master (GM) is an individual who is courageous enough to create and share a story, characters, challenges, and treasure with other people to experience and also help build further. It is tough and both time consuming and creatively exhausting (at times). But this doesn’t mean it is not equally fulfilling.
Being a DM allows a player to dive deep into their mind and create their own “book” or “movie”. And like many great movies and shows, you get to work with other amazing creative people to make something entertaining and memorable. Something that will leave lasting impressions on everyone involved. Not only that but, your game might do even more for you and your players.
Benefits of Running Dungeons and Dragons
![Dungeon Master, DM, GM, Game Master](https://mindflayedmondays.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/DM-event-1024x1020.jpg)
I recently ran a table at a local convention. This convention was mostly geared towards video gaming culture, and so I wasn’t expecting a huge turnout. Regardless, I prepped a whole adventure and several encounters depending on what people might want to do. To my surprise, I had a larger turnout than I thought I would, with over 15 people coming. I had to begrudgingly inform them I didn’t have enough sheets or spaces for everyone to play. But the players I did have became so enthralled that they stayed for 5 hours!
As great as this all was, two of the biggest things that made my day one of best I have had in a while, came from one 15-year-old kid. We will call him “JR”. JR had never before played, and his mom introduced him to me, as JR seemed extremely shy. So shy, that when we started he was scared to say a word in character.
What happened next was incredible. Within the first hour, he was starting to talk and roleplay just a bit. By the end, he was no longer the shy kid I first met. Even his mother was shocked at how quickly he opened up. Watching a player open up and show you who he is under all that shy exterior, is an incredible transformation to be a part of. It is something I always look forward to when building my adventures with players.
As a DM, we can often never tell in the moment how good of a job we are doing. Do the players really like what we are doing? Or are they just here because they have nothing else to do? This can plague even the best DMs at times. And that is why this next thing that happened was such a memorable moment for me and why I enjoy doing what I do.
The other amazing thing that happened was halfway through the game, JR’s mother came up letting him know it was time for an event he had signed up for downstairs. It was a Fortnite tournament. I could see he wanted to go but felt conflicted. So I ensured him that it was ok and no one would be mad. “After all, it is a Con and you are supposed to experience all the things you want.”
To mine and everyone else’s amazement, he turned to his mom and asked her to give his game pass to his little brother. He said he really just wanted to stay and play with us. For me, this was the HUGEST compliment a player could give me. And watching him make that choice was inspiring for me to continue to do what I enjoy doing and find ways to give people an amazing experience.
Challenges For New DMs
When someone first starts debating with themselves on whether they should DM or not, it can be as stressful as someone trying to get the courage to get on stage and sing. We imagine all the ways we will fail and many decide not to even try. And while maybe not everyone is going to be a “Master” DM (whatever that is) I encourage people to face that fear. Keep in mind we all have challenges we face when taking on the role of Dungeon Master.
Every DM has their own set of challenges. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you address them. For some, it might be struggling with letting players go which direction they want. Other’s struggle with coming up with ideas on the fly. Other’s struggle with balancing scenes when the party splits. No matter what struggles you face, always speak with your players. They will guide you into being better and better every time.
Words of Wisdom…
![Dungeon Master, DM, GM, Game Master](https://mindflayedmondays.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Image-from-iOS-950x1024.jpg)
If you are starting out as a Dungeon Master remember these things:
- It’s not “You VS Them”
- You and your players are telling a story together. You present the challenges but you also present them with solutions. Never forget you guys are there to play together, not against each other.
- Don’t hold the reins too tight
- While you may have built the story, this game is designed almost as if it is an impromptu play. The story can easily change, and that isn’t a bad thing. Don’t stop your players from exploring their character’s capabilities.
- Don’t Fear having to lay down the rules
- Sometime’s players forget the game (and the world) doesn’t revolve around them. And while you guys are a team telling a story you are the one who has to step in and let them know when their actions are affecting the experience for everyone else. If they are worth playing with they will understand!
- Have Fun
- It’s self-explanatory. If you are not having fun running the game, more than likely no one else is going to be having fun either. It’s a game and when it stops being entertaining perhaps it’s time to step back or take a break.
Being a DM can and will be challenging. But the experiences you create with others and the feelings it gives you will be beyond anything you expected. Just because something requires you to step out of your comfort zone doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pursuing. So take a chance and roll that D20 whether its a 1, 20 or something in between. The story is yours to make!